Mapping Every Meter of Unregistered Land in England & Wales.

The Must-Have Map for Adverse Possession Claims.

Below is a spreadsheet listing all the maps we have covering every district in England and Wales. Each district makes up a row with a column for the county each district is in. The table is fully sortable, which can be done by clicking on the column headers, and searchable which can be done using the search bar on the upper right.

All our maps are now running on Unclaimed Land V2.0 code. Our new version has introduced a rights of way layer, so you can check for footpaths directly on our map, and has had its code tidied up which makes it significantly faster. Unfortunately our rights of way data does not cover some regions, including most of London, due to lack of government data however we are looking to fill the remaining gaps soon (list of missing data here).

To view a map click on the ‘View Map’ button on the left next to the map you wish to view. This will open up a new page which will display the map you require.

England & Wales List

English & Welsh Counties


We don’t currently offer maps of Scotland – our provisional date for Scottish expansion is February 2024. Please check back soon.

Northern Ireland

We don’t currently offer maps of Northern Ireland – our provisional date for Northern Irish expansion is March 2024. Please check back soon.