Mapping Every Meter of Unregistered Land in England & Wales.

The Must-Have Map for Adverse Possession Claims.

Unclaimed Land v2.0: Missing Rights of Way Data

Our latest version of Unclaimed Land code, Unclaimed Land v2.0, includes rights of way data for England & Wales. We use data from our sister website, RightsOfWay.UK, to provide our subscribers with a quick way of checking if a prospective plot has a path on it. Do you know rights of way effect adverse possession? […]

Unclaimed Land v2.0 is Here

We have just updated all our maps at Unclaimed Land UK. All of our maps are now running on Unclaimed Land v2.0 code which has introduced more features and improved user experience. Have a look at our new features overview below. Faster Maps We have done a lot of work tidying up our code and […]

What Are the Risks Undertaking an Adverse Possession Claim?

 Of course, you must contact a legal professional before taking any action on your proposed plot to ensure your actions are done properly to ensure success.  Squatting in Residential Properties is illegal. Squatting in residential buildings should not be done as you can end up with a hefty fine of up to £5,000 or even 6 […]

Profit from Adverse Possession: Claim Land for Free in the UK.

You can get land completely for free in the UK through adverse possession! Sounds too good to be true – well it is a lot of work but many people do it and you can too. We can guide you in the right direction and aide with your search finding the perfect plot to claim. […]

My Free Land Plot is Not Near a Road – Can I Claim a Path to it?

My plot of land I plan to claim, with adverse possession, is completely isolated with no roads or paths to it. Can I claim a path to it? Yes, it is possible to gain prescriptive easements over unowned land through adverse usage. Gaining private rights of way, or easement, to access an otherwise isolated plot […]

Help the Environment by Claiming Free Land

Clearing Rubbish You can claim land for free with Adverse Possession, in England & Wales, however it is not all about profit. Adverse Possession is designed to ensure abandoned land is used productively rather as a waste tip. The best adverse possession claim, which is most likely to succeed, is one which has cleaned up […]

Can You Really Get Land For Free?

Yes! Yes you can, however the process is a little bit more complex. Learn more about claiming land for free with Unclaimed Land maps. All land in the UK can be claimed for free with adverse possession – the problem is the owner naturally has a right to kick you off the land or challenge […]

Why Should I Use Unclaimed Land Maps?

What do we do? Unclaimed Land Maps provides our users with detailed maps of unregistered land in England and Wales. Unregistered land is land which is not registered with HM Land Registry and is easier to claim through Adverse Possession. Adverse possession is the legal ability for possessors to gain land for free, in England […]

How to Claim Land in the UK

Did you know land in England and Wales can be claimed through the process of Adverse Possession? Whether you want to clear rubbish from unused waste land, help the natural environment or profit you can get land for free if you know what you are doing. Remember our advice is no substitute for professional legal […]